Of all the candy in the world, chocolate has always been my absolute favorite. Chocolate bars, hot chocolate, chocolate mousse, chocolate cake, you name it, I loved it. The whole chocolate craziness stopped abruptly when nine years ago, I decided to give the Specific Carbohydrate Diet a try to improve my multiple health issues. The diet focuses on eliminating all carbohydrates, starches, and sugar that need to be broken down by enzymes in order to be absorbed into the body. These carbohydrates take much longer to be absorbed, and with acute inflammation inside the intestines, pathogenic germs are happy to indulge on them. Their metabolism causes numerous symptoms that can impair your life tremendously.
So here I was - not only did I have to give up bread, baked goods, and eating in restaurants, but also chocolate and cacao, which are unfortunately not strictly compliant with the diet. This was, in fact, one of the hardest things to give up since chocolate always made me feel good.
Years later, with my symptoms vastly improved, the first thing I tried to reintroduce into my diet was of course 100% cocoa and 100% chocolate! And guess what, each time I ate chocolate, it did give me symptoms of either headache or stomach ache and I didn’t get the ultimate happy feeling I used to. So I ate it only occasionally and in very small amounts. As of today, chocolate won’t give me symptoms anymore, but I still stick to the occasional and small amounts. My moods are not reliant on chocolate anymore and I’m glad the days when I hid these treats from my family only to feed my own sugar addiction are long gone. Now I will enjoy two of these hearts and move on to the next recipe creation.
1 cup chocolate chips (I use Pascha Organic Dark Chocolate Chips 100% cacao)
1 cup caramel (see below for recipe)
In a double boiler, melt caramel then add the chocolate chips. Keep melting everything, stirring occasionally. Once the mixture is smooth, fill into your favorite candy molds. Let cool. Keep refrigerated.
1 cup honey
1 cup heavy whipping cream (if you are sensitive to lactose I recommend to ferment the heavy whipping cream) or coconut milk (I use Native Forest Organic Coconut Milk Simple)
In a medium saucepan, bring honey to a boil, stirring occasionally. Turn down the heat and let cook for about 8 minutes until honey turns a darker amber color. Add the heavy whipping cream or coconut milk and keep boiling until mixture thickens about 10 to 15 more minutes. Let cool, seal and keep refrigerated.
My name is Ulrike. I created this website to share my dietary approach to natural healing and delicious sugar, grain, and lactose-free recipes. I found that, provided with the right nutrition, the body itself is one of the greatest healers.
Find out what I learned on my nine-year journey with the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, and get valuable information about natural healing
Try my delicious sugar, grain, and lactose-free recipes