All four of my children joined my diet lifestyle for various health reasons at some point throughout my journey. The diet change was hard for me, but for kids it can be even harder to go against social norms in food culture. It’s tough to learn that there is no normal diet and that most things people eat nowadays is heavily altered and processed from the simple, natural ingredients provided by plants and animals. Going back to more whole foods from nature and leaving out chemical additives should only be a logical step in achieving better health, but in fact it tends to feel like swimming against the mainstream of how food is understood. I am very proud of my children for embracing the diet to improve their health and forfeiting processed/sugary foods in order to achieve a more fulfilling lifestyle.
Soon, all of my children were checking food labels religiously, they searched for simple recipes that required only few and natural ingredients, and started altering favorite recipes or even came up with their own wonderful recipe creations.
This recipe is a creation by my middle daughter Lilly. She wanted to imitate the taste of her former favorite, Reese’s peanut butter cups. She melted peanut butter, honey, and chocolate together then filled the mixture into small molds and put them in the freezer. Both Lilly and my youngest daughter Amelie were very happy with the result of the newly invented treat, and the first couple of batches quickly disappeared without me even knowing they existed.
note: I successfully reintroduced 100% chocolate and cocoa powder once our symptoms had subsided. We were thrilled to have more delicious dessert options as a result!
1 cup organic, sugar free peanut butter
1/2 cup chocolate chips
1/2 cup honey
Melt the chocolate chips in a double boiler. Mix in the honey and peanut butter until smooth. Add mini muffin liners to a mini muffin pan and fill with chocolate-peanut butter mix. Let cool and then place in the freezer.
My name is Ulrike. I created this website to share my dietary approach to natural healing and delicious sugar, grain, and lactose-free recipes. I found that, provided with the right nutrition, the body itself is one of the greatest healers.
Find out what I learned on my nine-year journey with the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, and get valuable information about natural healing
Try my delicious sugar, grain, and lactose-free recipes