Growing up, spaghetti ice cream was one of my favorite ice cream desserts. The ice cream café in the inner city of Freiburg, Germany is still there, right next to the Münster, a large cathedral in the heart of the city where we went occasionally for this delicious treat. You can sit outside on a balcony in the upper floor and enjoy the view of the farmer’s market from above and the cathedral with the backdrop of the Black Forest mountains. The ice cream consists of a center of heavy whipping cream covered with vanilla ice cream in the shape of spaghetti, then covered with raspberry sauce and shredded coconut. The whole thing looked so similar to spaghetti with bolognese sauce that it always felt weird to take the first bite expecting it to taste like the savory dish only to be beautifully surprised by a most delicious sweet treat.
Once I figured out how to make delicious vanilla ice cream without lactose or refined sugar, there was nothing stopping me - I had to recreate the old childhood favorite for my kids and, of course, for this blog. Lilly and Amelie were already eagerly waiting while I took the photographs for this blog post to make sure they did not miss out on this one. The minute I was done, spoonfuls of the beautiful arrangements disappeared, accompanied by loud approvals of the dish.
1x vanilla ice cream (see recipe below)
1x Lucious raspberry sauce
2 tbsp shredded coconut
tools: potato masher
note: add the bowls for the ice cream to the freezer ahead of time
Add the vanilla ice cream to the potato masher and push out strands of spaghetti onto the pre-chilled bowls or plates.
Cover generously with raspberry sauce and sprinkle with shredded coconut.
1x Lactose free crème Anglaise, refrigerated
1 cup heavy whipping cream if you are sensitive to lactose I recommend fermented heavy whipping cream)
1/4 cup honey
tool: ice cream maker, glass container for the ice cream
Make sure to freeze the container that you want to store the ice cream in ahead of time.
Set up the ice cream maker. Use the ice cream maker according to the instructions. Add all of the ingredients to the ice cream maker. Once the ice cream is done, add it to the prepared container and place it into the freezer.